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How To Do Chakra Yoga For Beginners?

How To Do Chakra Yoga

How To Do Chakra Yoga For Beginners?

If you're ready for a yoga mat and let's get started come to standing at the top of your yoga mat with your feet parallel to one another in Mountain Pose also known as Tadasana bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest close your eyes stand up tall and deepen your breath breathing deeply through your nose come inward and focus on your crown.

Chakra this chakra is located just above the top of your head it is sitting on the top of your head as a crown would and would draw your attention to that area now breathing into it feeling energy radiating out from it and remain here take one more exhale and release your hands down by your sides palms facing forward slowly open your eyes from here we 'll.

Take a balancing pose tree pose rickshaw Sana to hold your right leg in your hand and turn the pinout from the hip bringing the bottom of your right foot to your left inner thigh once your foot is settled do not place your foot on your knee put your foot either on your leg or your shin once your foot is paid - bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest.

If you're able to raise your arms palms facing each other hold here and breathe gently release your arms and release your foot from your leg, switch sides taking the left leg in your hands turning the pinout from the hip joint placing the bottom of your foot either on your thigh or your shin do not put the foot on your knee once you'resettled with your legs.

bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest and if you're able to raise your arms all the way up with your palms facing one another hold your balance here slowly release everything down, and then we'll come into a high lunge on the Left bending left leg straightening the right and reach the arms up lunging forward into the left leg your feet are parallel to one another in this lunge hold here bring your hands down to your hips,

shift your weight to your left leg we're going to turn the bones out, so we keep in that foot where it turns your body outward or taking a Half-moon poses once you're settled you can use a yoga block here as well raise your right leg keeping it parallel to the ground your toes are pointed forward bring your left hand down to the floor or a yoga,

block and reach the right arm up to the ceiling slowly come back up out of your balancing pose. We'll switch sides lunging into the right leg keep the left leg straight feet are parallel. Your arms are reaching up from here; bring your hands to your hips, keep the foot of the right foot where it is on the ground and turn your body out from that right hip.

We'll take that balancing pose on the right side, so either on a block or on the floor place your hand your right hand down lift your left leg and keep it parallel to the ground foot is flexed toes are facing forward once you're settled there reach your left arm up towards the ceiling reach all your fingers out with energy palm facing forward you can look down towards.

the ground hold your balance slowly set that left foot down come backup ward and then make your way to lying flat on your back separate your legs apart relax them completely turn your palms up towards the ceiling close your eyes come in the ward and deepen your breath breathing in and out through your nose hold here bring some slow and gentle motion back into your body gently moving your limbs and when you're ready to roll to the right side and rest there with your arm under your head for support use your hands to help you press yourself up to a seated cross-legged

 Position crossing your shins flex your feet bring your hands to your leg sand sit up tall take a deep breath in and out through your nose and bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest bow your head to your fingertips namaste thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this class if you liked it if it thumbs up I would appreciate that don't forget to leave me a comment give me any questions you might have.

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